Photoshoot against the plan to build on King George Hospital land: 8:30am Wed 7th March outside King George
BHRUT (Barking Havering & Redbridge University Hospital Trust) who own King George Hospital are under acute financial pressure per the link here: The cause of this is underfunding from central government.
BHRUT statement on financial pressures
In order to make up for this underfunding, BHRUT has been planning to sell "surplus" land on the King George Hospital site. In order to do this the local NHS has successfully approached Redbridge Council to take "surplus" land out of the King George and Goodmayes hospital site to allow 500 units to be built. The current plan is at the bottom of this blog.
Detail on plan to build housing on King George land
I thank Dianna Sullivan to the key quote from one the documents at the link above dated 22nd November 2017.
"BHRUT is committed to the delivery of the land allocated for development and looks forward to taking forward discussions with the London Borough of Redbridge, in conjunction with NELFT, as soon as possible."
However, the situation has changed recently with Matthew Hopkins, the Chief Executive of BHRUT writing in the Recorder here Matthew Hopkins letter
Matthew states "We must not sell hospital land"
But appears to qualify this statement by saying further
"This is why some of our land has been included in the plan. The document is still in draft stage and we’ll continue to liaise with the council."
It is vital that the BHRUT board retract their support for King George land to be withdrawn from Green Belt on 7th March. If BHRUT stick with the plan to build on King George then Redbridge Council will almost certainly remove the King George land in question from Green Belt protection at a key Council meeting on March 15th. If the plan goes through on March 15th this will be the green light to developers to contact BHRUT with ideas about how they can maximise the money they can get from selling the land.
A big turn out on March 7th at 8:30am will be great and, if you can, attend the board meeting to ask questions.
A Facebook event page is below:
Detail on why King George needs expanding is here Why King George needs expanding
BHRUT is offered a right of reply on this site.
Details from the BHRUT site below:
BHRUT meeting deatails: Address Lecture Theatre, James Fawcett Centre, 1st Floor, King George Hospital, Barley Lane, IG3 8YB
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